
Empowerment through Language...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quick Moment to Share a Giggle from the Classroom

As I introduced myself to a self-contained class of special needs children this week, one student looked at me with a big smile and asked, "Can I call you Muffin?"  I smiled and wondered why Muffin.  I did think that Ms. Popoff was the better choice for the situation but I keep thinking of that question.  Why "Muffin?"  Was there something that connected baked goods with me.  I puzzled over it for a couple of days and then my best friend said to me...Poppin Fresh...Popoff.  Of course.  Ah...the power of advertising!  Pillsbury, ya done good in the effort to imprint the minds of America.  I hope it isn't that I look like the Dough Girl!!!  But I am now Muffin in my own brain.  I like the nickname.

Still limited email with my travels so this is short.  More over the weekend.  I have a lot on my mind from the past couple of weeks of teaching and writing.  I am on fire with writing projects and nothing could make me happier, except perhaps world peace and prosperity, but we will see if we get that, right?!


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